COMEDK is the “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” – an autonomous institution consisting of senior academicians and reputed administrative officers who have been associated in educational eco system. This autonomous COMEDK was entrusted the responsibility to organize testing procedures to determine the merit of aspiring students in an effective, fair, transparent and non-exploitative procedure by KPCF (Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation – Medical & Dental) and KUPECA (Karnataka Unaided Private Engineering Colleges Association). By this, COMEDK has been serving 16 Medical, 24 Dental and around 190 Engineering Colleges. COMEDK since its inception in 2004-05 has been conducting the annual entrance exam for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the member institutions and has also been organizing single window centralized counseling process over the last 15 years. In all these years, the efforts of COMEDK have been appreciated by all the Government appointed Admission Overseeing Committees and also been mentioned by the Hon’ble Supreme Court as the model examination.
For the current academic year 2021-21, COMEDK would conduct an online examination all over India on Sunday, the 27th June 2021, across 300 centres for the Engineering programs which offer around 20000 seats and will be followed by offline counseling to overcome the un-anticipated glitches in online counseling as we in India are not still fully prepared for the same.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates from all over the country can appear for the UGET 2021 entrance examination. The eligibility criterion for various programs has been as published by COMEDK in its Notification on its website www.comedk.org which is reproduced as under:-
a) The qualifying examinations prescribed for admission for B.E. is second PUC or 10+2 Higher Secondary or equivalent examination recognized by State / Central Government; the last two years of study shall comprise of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with English as a compulsory subject.
b) The General Merit candidates should have passed with a minimum aggregate of 45% marks (40% in respect of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka State) in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and should have passed these subjects individually. Physics and Mathematics are compulsory subjects along with Chemistry or Bio Technology or Biology or Computer Science or Electronics as one of the optional subjects. However, changes, if any, in the eligibility criteria by the AICTE will be adopted.
c) An attempt in the COMEDK Entrance Test seeking admission to Engineering courses is considered adequate for figuring in the rank list
d) Diploma candidates are not eligible to take the Entrance Test as there are no lateral entry admissions.
NOTE: The candidates shall submit the original marks card of the examination during counseling for proving their eligibility vis-a-vis marks scored as evidenced by the original marks card
a) The prescribed qualifying examination for admission to B. Arch course is second PUC or 10+2
b) Higher Secondary or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects along with other subjects or a 10+3 Diploma recognized by Central / State Government and having obtained at least 50% marks in aggregate (45% in the case of SC, ST and OBC candidates of Karnataka)
c) The candidates should have qualified a recognized aptitude test in Architecture (NATA or equivalent) in 2021.
c) There shall be no Entrance Test for candidates seeking admission to B. Arch Course.
d) Candidates seeking admission to B. Arch course shall submit separate application form for counseling as per the notification on COMEDK website (will be made available before counseling)
Notwithstanding the eligibility criteria mentioned as above, the changes, if any, effected by AICTE, VTU, COA or any other competent Regulatory Authorities before the start of rank generation process of COMEDK shall be adopted mutatis mutandis. After generating the ranks, no changes will be made to the already prescribed eligibility criteria.
Rank Card will be generated only for those candidates who become eligible for admission to under Graduate Courses as per the regulations of AICTE / VTU.
How to apply:
The Candidates have to register themselves at www.comedk.org. The candidates may access the How to Apply Document, general instructions and the explanation for filling the required fields through the link in the website www.comedk.org.
More details can be available from the website.
Contact Details
Address :The Executive Secretary COMEDK,
#132, Second Floor, 11th Main Road,
17th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560055
Phone :080-46671060
Fax :080-23568309
Website :www.comedk.org

Army Institute of Technology, Pune invites application to admission for the year 2022-2024 for the BE Courses commencing in July/August. AIT admission is based on the merit of (JEE) MAIN . All applicants are therefore required to appear in (JEE) MAIN and also apply to AIT. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) MAIN will be conducted by the NTA from 2022 onwards. This Examination was being conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) till 2022.
JEE Main is applicable for admission to NITs, IIITs and CFTIs participating though Central Seat Allocation Board subject to the condition that the candidate should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class examination, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards. For SC/ST candidates the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class examination.
Seats Offered
AIT offers 300 seats for Engineering Course commencing in July 2022 (120 seats in Computer Engineering, 60 seats each in Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering,). Only wards of serving/retired Army personnel are eligible to apply for admission to AIT. Children from other categories, that is those who are not wards of Army personnel, can be considered for admission only after wards considering wards of Army personnel. Usually more than 3000 applications are received every year from Army wards.
The eligibility criteria for admission to AIT is given in detail in the Prospectus which is available in February every year. Brief outline is as below :-
Candidate must be a ward of one of the following :-
(i) Serving /Retired Army Persons.
(ii) Serving medical officers of IN and IAF who have served in the Army for more than 10 yrs and are members of AOBF.
(iii) Retired Army pers who in receipt of regular pension, or former Army pers who retired after min service of 10 yrs.
(iv) Former Army pers who died during service/after retirement and family pension is granted.
(v) TA pers who have completed 10 yrs of embodied service.
(vi) DSC pers who are serving or retired with pension. -
War widow (in receipt of liberalized pension) and children in receipt of family pension (due to death of both parents) are also eligible.
Details of eligibility of adopted/step children are as in the prospectus.
Should have passed, or appeared for 10+2 exam, at the time of applying for admission to AIT. Minimum acceptable mark in PCM are 50%.
Should appear for either 1st or 2nd JEE (Main) 2022 conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) else both. In case of candidates who attempt both the JEE (Main), the best of the two scores will be considered by NTA for preparation of final merit list and All India Rank. (In AIT, last year's last admitted students All India Ranking was 1,11,326).
Age of the candidate must be between 16 to 21 years on 01 Jul 2022.
Must be an Indian citizen, or a PIO who obtains Indian citizenship before admission.
JEE Application Form
Candidate can apply for JEE 2022 'Online'. For this candidates are advised to visit www.jeemain.nic.in. Details can be obtained from
Executive Director
JEE Main Secretariat
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area, IP Extension
Patparganj, Delhi - 110 092
Tel: 020 - 27157534
Entrance Examination
AIT admission is based on the All India Ranking obtained in the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE (Main) 2022). All applicants are therefore required to appear in JEE Main 2022, 1st / 2nd JEE (Main) 2022 or both and also apply to AIT for Admission. Failing to fill up any one of the forms will lead to rejection of admission to AIT.
AIT Application Form
JEE Application Form should be filled before AIT Application Form. The JEE Roll No must be endorsed on the AIT Application Form before submitting it to AIT. Failure to do so would result in rendering the AIT Application Form null and void.
Details of First Attempt (Roll Number, Mark in JEE (Main) All India Rank obtained etc) are to be filled by the candidate itself in AIT Admission form.
Application Form.
(a) Online application form is available on our website www.aitpune.com wef 15 Mar 2022 after receipt of JEE (Main) Roll Number of Second Attempt of JEE (Exam seat Number). Application fee of Rs 550- can be paid through credit/debit card or netbanking.
(b) Cost of application form will not be refunded.
Last Date for Application. The application form duly completed must be submitted by 31 July 2022
No form will be accepted on or after 31 July 2022
AIT will not be held responsible for non receipt of Application Form due to network failure.
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Application.
Computer generated Roll Number of the applicant will be intimated through email/SMS to the candidate.
Applicants are well advised to mention correctly their telephone number and email ID on the form.
Note : - Candidates are advised to check their JEE (Main) Roll No and Name on the list displayed on our website by 31 July 2022 . In case of any discrepancy, the same may be brought to the notice of
Admission Cell, AIT through email ID amission@aitpune.edu.in.
For more details refer official website
Contact Details
Address :Army Institute of Technology,
Dighi Hills, Pune-411015
Phone :020-27157534, 27157612
Fax :020-27157534
Website :www.aitpune.com/

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) MAIN will be conducted by the NTA from 2022 onwards. This Examination was being conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) till 2022
JEE Main is applicable for admission to NITs, IIITs and CFTIs participating though Central Seat Allocation Board subject to the condition that the candidate should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class examination, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards. For SC/ST candidates the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class examination.
Eligibility Criteria for JEE (Main) Exam 2022
Only those candidates who have passed their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2020 or 2022 : or those who are appearing in their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2022 are eligible to appear in JEE (Main) 2022 Candidates who passed Class 12th/Qualifying examination in 2019 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2022 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) 2022 The candidates who appeared in class 12th/ equivalent qualifying Examinations in 2019, did not pass in 2019, but passed in 2019 are also not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) 2022
The candidates willing to appear for improvement examination of class 12th in 2022 have to appear in all the 5 subjects as per the scheme of study of the concerned board. Further, they may also note that in the percentile system, the total marks (of all five subjects) obtained/shown on the mark-sheet of a particular year are required in JEE (Main) and also in JEE (Advanced). The marks from two different years (i.e. marks for 3 subjects from year 2022 and marks for other 2 subjects from 2022) mark-sheets cannot be considered for percentile calculation.
The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at JEE (Main) shall be limited to 03 (three).
Date of Birth
Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after October 01, 1994 are eligible. However, in the case of Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) candidates, upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years, i.e. SC, ST and PwD candidates who are born on or after October 01, 1990 are eligible. Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/University certificate will only be considered.
Exam Pattern for JEE Main 2022
JEE (Main) 2022 shall have two papers, Paper-1 (B.E. / B. Tech.) and Paper-2(B. Arch./ B. Planning). Depending upon on the course (s) candidates are seeking admission, may take Paper-1 B.E. / B. Tech.), or Paper-2 B. Arch./ B. Planning), or both.
Subject combination for each paper, type of questions in each paper and mode of examination available is given in the table below:-
Paper/Subjects/Type of Questions/Mode of Exam
Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) Physics, Chemistry & MathematicsObjective type questions with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & MathematicsPen and Paper Based Exam OR Computer Based Exam
Paper 2 (B.Arch./B.Planning)
Mathematics – Part I
Aptitude Test – Part II
Drawing Test – Part III
Objective type questions Objective type questions questions to test Drawing AptitudeOnly Pen and Paper Based Exam
Online Application Form Submission
Online application has to be submitted through JEE (Main) -2022 website www.jeemain.nic.in. The aspiring candidate should furnish all the details and upload scanned image of his/her photograph, signature and left hand thumb impression while filling up the On-line Application. Candidates are required to take a print out of the computer generated acknowledgment slip after successful submission of data and payment of fee and keep the same in the safe custody for any future reference.
Important Note - The entire application process is online, including uploading of photograph & signature and payment of fee the candidates are required NOT to send any document to JEE (Main) Secretariat.
More details can be available from the institute website.
Contact Details
Address :C-20 1A/8 ,Sector 62
IITK Outreach Centre,
Mobile :7042399520, 7042399521, 7042399525, 7042399526
Website :www.nta.ac.in

Nirma University
invites application for admission to B.Tech courses at the Institute of Technology for the year 2022
B.Tech Programmes Offered:
Chemical Engineering - 21 seats
Civil Engineering- 42 seats
Computer Engineering- 84 seats
Electrical Engineering - 42 seats
Electronics and Communication Engineering - 42 seats
Instrumentation and Control Engineering - 21 seats
Mechanical Engineering - 42 seats
Candidate should have appeared JEE (Main) 2022 (For 35% All India Seats and NRI Sponsored Category).
The aspiring candidates should have passed Std. 12 (Science Stream) with minimum 45% in three subjects viz two compulsory subjects i.e. Physics and Mathematics and any one of optional subjects i.e. (Chemistry / Biotechnology / Biology / Technical Vocational Subjects prescribed by respective boards) from single board.
Admission Rules
The 35% seats of intake shall be filled by Institute of Technology, Nirma University under the category of All India seats from the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from the schools located in India (including Gujarat State).
How to Apply
Candidate has to apply online on the website.
Application fee :
a. `413 (`350/- + 18% GST [non-refundable]) for the candidate appeared in 12th board examination from the school located in the State of Gujarat (including Daman and Diu or Dadra Nagar Haveli (UT).
b. `1416 (`1200/- + 18% GST [non-refundable]) for the candidate appeared in 12th board examination from the school located outside the State of Gujarat (including Daman and Diu or Dadra Nagar Haveli (UT).
Note:- If any candidate of outside the state of Gujarat and paid the application form fee `413 (`350/- + 18% GST), his/her application form will be disqualified.
Payment will be made online through either Credit Card / Debit Card/ Net Banking.
Mode of Admission
These seats shall be filled-in by the candidates who have passed 12th Science Examination with above mentioned subjects from the school located in India (including Gujarat State) on the basis of All India Rank (AIR) of JEE (Main)-2022.
Online application form is available on the website www.nirmauni.ac.in/ ITNU/ BTECHAdmission and same should be filled with correct information (as per the instruction) and make payment by Net banking / Credit card / Debit card.
The provisional merit list with detailed programme of counselling will be displayed on website www.nirmauni.ac.in, time to time.
Score card of JEE (Main)-2022 and HSC (Std. 12th) Examination Mark Sheet(s) need not to be sent.
In case, Letter Grade / Performance Index or Graded Point Average is awarded, instead of percentage marks/percentile in qualifying examination, equivalence certificate from school authorities shall be required on the day of counselling of admission.
Online counselling will be carried out for the admission to First Year B.Tech. Programme 2022. Allotted admission seat of the candidate will be confirmed only after the successful payment of necessary fees, subject to verification of Eligibility and necessary documents. The candidate has to report within stipulated time as per the schedule at Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad along with following documents (original and two sets of photo copies) and two passport size photographs.
a. SSC (Std. 10th) Examination Mark Sheet
b. HSC (Std. 12th) Examination Mark Sheet
c. School Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate
d. Admit Card of JEE (Main)-2022
e. Score Card of JEE (Main)-2022
f. Equivalence Certificate (In case, Letter Grades / Performance Index or Graded Point Average awarded in qualifying examination) -
Candidate is required to follow admission procedure and schedule, declared time to time at the office of the Institute and websites www.nirmauni.ac.in
Contact Details
Address :Nirma University Ahmedabad
PG Building Institute of Technology
Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway Ahmedabad-382481
Phone :02717- 241911 -15
Fax :02717-241917
Website : www.nirmauni.ac.in/ITNU